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Arianny Celeste's BF -- She Kicked Me in the Nose!!!

Smoking hot UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste kicked her boyfriend straight in the nose this weekend in Vegas, inciting a blowout argument that eventually led to her arrest -- this according to the police report for the incident.According to the report, 26-year-old Arianny and her 34-year-old boyfriend Praveen Chandra were arguing inside a limousine early Saturday morning when Arianny kicked him in the face.Arianny later told cops the fight was over text messages Chandra had sent to other women -- but the report isn't specific.According to the report, the argument escalated inside the couple's Wynn hotel room. A hotel employee heard crashing sounds and responded to the room around 4:30 AM, when Arianny came running out.Police were called -- and Arianny told officers Chandra had choked her and grabbed her arm inside the room. Cops observed marks on Arianny's body.Chandra told cops Arianny had kicked him in the face -- and after the argument moved inside the hotel ... she threw two vases at him.As we reported, Arianny was subsequently arrested for domestic violence. Chandra was also arrested.


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