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Miss Pennsylvania to Donald Trump -- Psychological Training Tells MeMiss Universe is Rigged

Ex-Miss Pennsylvania insists the list of top 5 Miss USA contestants she was told about perfectly matched the eventual top 5 -- but sources connected with the pageant tell TMZ her math is way off ... because only one name matched.Sheena Monnin isn't backing down from her claim Miss U. is fixed -- on "NBC Today" she said, "It's too coincidental for someone to be able to call out in order the top 5. I know what I heard there is no doubt in my mind that the contestant is serious when she laid out what she saw."Monnin claims Miss Florida told her she saw a list of the top 5 before they were announced -- and although Miss FL now says she was joking ... Monnin says, "I have many years of psychological training. I know when someone is scared and serious. Her body language was serious."But pageant sources tell us the list Miss Florida saw had only ONE name of the eventual top 5 finalists -- which pokes a huge hole in Monnin's story. As TMZ first reported, lawyers for pageant owner Donald Trump are currently drafting a defamation lawsuit against Monnin.By the way, Monnin's psych training consists of a master's degree ... from the University of Phoenix. Miss Florida Karina Brez, tells TMZ, "I want to make a statement, very firm and very clearly, that I did not at any time tell Miss Pennsylvania USA or other Miss USA contestants that I knew the final five contestants in the Pageant."Brez adds, "For reasons I don't understand, my name is now being brought forward as the person who released the names and implied that the Final Five contestants were pre-selected. This is absolutely not true, and not the case."


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